circulo negro


Reflective badge to make you literally stand out from the crowd. Wear it with your favourite outfit, on your back-pack and actually, where ever you want.

The circulo comes with an easy-to-use carbine and a black/ reflective rubber band. The reflective film on this model is double sided to make it even more functional as a reflective accessory. The circulo is minimalistic style, thus making it perfect for everyday use. And we know – you think how can a black surface be reflective, but it is!

It’s designed to look good everywhere and in addition, to make you visible.

Our badges are made of durable plexiglass and covered with reflective and weather resistant reflective film.

More than just a badge.

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SKU: 10 Category:
Weight 10 g
Dimensions 65 × 45 × 6 mm


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